Previous Events
July 18 & 25, 2023 | August 1, 2023
Peer Support Training Follow Up Sessions

After the three-day training of Peer Support Volunteers, three follow up sessions were held via Zoom on July 18, July 25, and August 1, 2023 (Tuesday) for participants to practice case management. A total of 57 peer support volunteers attended the follow up session, together with the Dr. Jowima Ang-Reyes, director of UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod; Junior Project Associates of UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod; Lead Facilitator Dr. Mitch Ong, Peer Support Volunteer Trainers and faculty members of the Institute of Mathematics (UP Diliman) Dr. Gino Angelo Velasco, Assoc. Prof. Manuel Joseph Loquias,
July 13, 2023
Benchmarking with City College of Ormoc

July 12 – 14, 2023
Peer Support Training Batch 5

The Peer Support Training Batch 5 under the Psychosocial Support Program was held last July 12-14, 2023, at the Bulwagang Tandang Sora of the College of Social Work and Community Development, University of the Philippines Diliman. The session was attended by 76 students, faculty, staff, REPs, and alumni from the UP community. It aimed to provide participants with valuable knowledge and skills in psychological first aid and equip them to become effective peer support volunteers. The event was organized by the UPD Pahinungod Team and was divided into morning and afternoon sessions, each focusing on different aspects of psychological first aid. Resource persons for the event included Dr. Michelle Ong, Dr. Amihan Bonifacio-Ramolete, Dr. Gino Angelo Velasco, Ms. Gia S. Evangelista RSW, and UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod Director Jowima Ang-Reyes
July 1 – 6, 2023
BARMM Grade 6 Learners Assessment (in partnership with UP System)

Last July 1 – 6, 2023, the Junior Project Associates of UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod participated in the BARMM Grade 6 Learners Assessment. This project, under the UP System Pahinungod, aimed to administer exams to various Elementary Schools in Marawi, Lanao Del Sur I and Lanao Del Sur II, in preparation for the InSET (In Service Training).
June 5, 2023
NSTP NCPAG Community Identification, in partnership with PESO and NSTP NCPAG

On May 14, 2023, National Service Training Program (NSTP) Coordinator Ms. Zita Calugay reached out to UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, requesting for assistance with identifying a partner community for their NSTP engagements. In response, UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod reached out to Mr. Rogelio Reyes, operations head of the Public Employment Service Office (PESO) and initiated a dialogue to discuss NSTP NCPAG’s concern.
A meeting was held at the PESO Office on June 5, 2023 to address the concern. During the meeting, UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod was represented by Junior Project Associates Dr. Wilfredo Awitan, Jeanne Ascue, and Alessandra Uy; NCPAG was represented by its NSTP Coordinators Zita Calugay and Mark Cedro; while PESO was represented primarily by Mr. Jerald Ilag and his colleagues.
At the meeting, the goal and concerns of NSTP NCPAG were laid out and PESO identified the following communities for possible partnership
May 29, 2023
Orientation-Workshop on Psychological First Aid (PFA) at Krus na Ligas High School in partnership with the UP College of Education NSTP CWTS-2

On May 29, 2023, the final part of the seminar series titled “Tumindig!: Building Resiliency and Mental Health Wellness in Communities to Rise amidst Adversities” was conducted in collaboration with the UP College of Education NSTP CWTS-2 class. This Psychological First Aid Orientation-Workshop was given to a total of 25 teachers from the Krus na Ligas High School and 11 NSTP CWTS students from the College of Education. The computer laboratory of Krus na Ligas served as the venue for the orientation-workshop.
Prior to this session, teachers were already given an orientation on the PFA. For this session, participants were given a discussion on mental health, strengths-based framework, and wellness skills that they could practice. The seminar was led by NSTP CWTS-2 students, with Mr. Davidson Oliveros, a Peer Support Volunteer Trainer and faculty member from the College of Arts and Letters volunteering as a resource person.
The orientation-workshop was conducted using a lecture-discussion style, incorporating questions and brief activities to involve the participants during the presentation.
May 29, 2023
You’ve Got A Friend in Me: College of Science FST

Last May 29, 2023, the UP Diliman College of Science Student Council hosted a talk entitled “You’ve Got a Friend in Me,” at the College of Science Auditorium. This was part of their month-long endeavor to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month and raise awareness towards the importance of mental health and self-care. Pahinungod staff and community development specialist, Dr. Wilfredo Awitan, served as the resource speaker while Junior Project Associate, Alessandra Uy, was in attendance to provide support and documentation of said event.
The main theme of the lecture presented by Dr. Awitan focused on establishing good working relationships by the power of active listening. Dr. Awitan began by sharing his many experiences as a community organizer, and introduced the principles of active listening. The lecture also discussed key points of consideration when navigating social situations.
May 22, 2023
Orientation-Workshop on Psychological First Aid (PFA) at Krus na Ligas High School in partnership with the UP College of Education NSTP CWTS-2

May 19, 2023
Presentation of programs and representation of UPD Pahinungod at the benchmarking of St. Bridget College with UP CSWCD

The benchmarking session between the College of Social Work and Community Development (CSWCD) and St. Bridget College (SBC) was held on May 19, 2023, from 9:30am to 12:00nn. The session aimed to facilitate knowledge exchange between the two institutions in the field of social work education. The objective of the event, particularly for the UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, was to contribute to the enhancement of the Social Work Program of St. Bridget College by benchmarking the programs from the office. The programs were presented to show that for their Social Work Program, similar activities may be pursued may it be for field instruction, and extension and research work for students and faculty.
The benchmarking session between CSWCD and SBC provided an opportunity for meaningful exchange and learning. Through presentations and discussions, the session facilitated a better understanding of CSWCD’s academic policies, departmental programs, and resources available. The participants gained valuable insights and identified potential areas of collaboration between the two institutions.
May 18, 2023
Partnership - Pamantasang Lungsod ng Maynila Extension Capability Building Seminar: “Rethinking and Enhancing Extension Services at the Pamantasan”

Last May 18, 2023, Director Jowima Ang-Reyes, Ph.D, RSW, together with the UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod Team, were invited to Pamantasang Lungson ng Maynila (PLM) to speak on UPD Pahinungod’s best practices, program flagship, and success stories, as part of the aforementioned school’s Extension Capacity Building Seminar titled “Rethinking and Enhancing Extension Services at the Pamantasa”. The seminar focused on practices and program of UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, followed by an open forum.
May 15, 2023
Psychosocial Support Program – Psychological First Aid Workshop
The PFA Orientation-Workshop is being done with College of Education CWTS-2 class as a part of a seminar series called “Tumindig!: Building Resiliency and Mental Health Wellness in Communities to Rise amidst Adversities”, which aims to explore the topics of psychological first aid and mental health wellness within the context of schools and homes.
The event was attended by 4 parents from Krus na Ligas High School
PSV Trainer Dr. Louella Barra Orillaza led the training.
May 9, 2023
Psychosocial Support Program – Psychological First Aid Workshop
The PFA Orientation-Workshop is being done with College of Education CWTS-2 class as a part of a seminar series called “Tumindig!: Building Resiliency and Mental Health Wellness in Communities to Rise amidst Adversities”, which aims to explore the topics of psychological first aid and mental health wellness within the context of schools and homes.
The event was attended by 4 parents from Krus na Ligas High School
PSV Trainer Amihan Bonifacio-Ramolete led the training.
May 4, 2023
The Medical Social Service Orientation
The Medical Social Service under the Social Services and Wellness Program is designed to meet the needs of patients and help them achieve optimal health through a holistic case management approach. This program aims to bridge the gap between patients and access to quality healthcare and other resources they need to improve their overall wellness.
The orientation informed prospective social work student volunteers regarding the specifics of the services and the expectations from them.
The event was attended by 28 social work students and 1 faculty
UPD Pahinungód Director Jowima Ang-Reyes and Junior Project Associate Gia Evangelista led the orientation
April 28, 2023
NSTP Consultation Meeting
The UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungód held a consultation meeting with the respective NSTP college coordinators from the twenty-six (26) degree-granting academic units of UP Diliman.
This meeting presented the programs of the UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungód to explore the possibilities of working together for the purpose of serving relevant partner communities.
The event was attended by 10 NSTP coordinators
UPD Pahinungód Director Jowima Ang-Reyes and Junior Project Associate Alessandra Uy led the orientation / meeting
April 24, 2023
Psychosocial Support Program – Holistic Wellness Webinar Series 3 – Body Movement: A Creative Wellness Journey
The Holistic Wellness Webinar Series is a monthly discussion on topics ranging from physical and mental health, community and civic engagement to volunteerism. The third installment to the series – Body Movement: A Creative Wellness Journey — features the physical and mental wellness benefits of Pangalay, a traditional dance from the Sulu Archipelago
The event was attended by 9 participants composed of students, faculty, non-UP, and staff
Junior Project Associate Jeanne Ascue facilitated the event.
April 17, 2023
Linaw Series: Signs of Safety and Community Engagement
The Linaw Series, which is the 1st part of a chain of workshops organized by the National Service Reserve Corps, is a 2-day workshop aiming to capacitate NSRC reservists with the skills they need to assist people and communities during times of disaster.
The event was attended by 9 participants composed of students, faculty, and staff
UPD Pahinungód Director Jowima Ang-Reyes and Project Assistant Dan Conde led the workshop
April 14, 2023
PSP - Mental Health, Strengths-Based Framework, and Wellness Skills: Helping Ourselves Session
A “Mental Health and Wellness Session” was conducted simultaneously to the UPCAT 2024 Simulation as a means of introducing the faculty of Buhawen National High School to the training provided by UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungód under the Psychosocial Support Program
The event was attended by 6 teachers and 1 principal
Junior Project Associate Gia Evangelista and Project Assistant Dan Conde led the workshop.
April 12 – 19, 2023
Affirmative Action Program
In partnership with the UP Office of Admissions, the UPCAT 2024 Caravan is a manual applications service offered to grade 11 or 12 public high school students from at least 3rd class municipalities or areas with limited to no internet connection to encourage them to apply to the university and take the UPCAT. Aside from providing manual application forms, a simulation exam for the said admission test will also be conducted during the caravan.
For UPCAT 2024, the following schools were visited and simulation exams conducted:
Bamban National High School
Carabaoan-Caocaoayan High School
Mababanaba National High School
Iba High School
Buhawen National High School
April 3, 2023
Linaw Series: The Community Resiliency Model
The Linaw Series, which is the 1st part of a chain of workshops organized by the National Service Reserve Corps, is a 2-day workshop aiming to capacitate NSRC reservists with the skills they need to assist people and communities during times of disaster.
9 participants composed of students and staff members
Junior Project Associate Gia Evangelista and PA Dan Conde led the workshop
April 1, 2023
UPCAT 2024 Caravan Volunteer Orientation
The UPCAT 2024 Caravan Orientation was held to discuss the specific AAP volunteer opportunities (off-campus and campus-based) and UPCAT Caravan schedules and areas for the month of April.
33 participants composed of UP students, faculty, alumni
The orientation was led by Junior Project Associate Therese Lucas
March 27 and April 1, 2023
1st and 2nd Grand General Assembly and Orientation
The Grand General Assembly and Orientation of the UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungód is an event that brings together both potential and existing volunteers. The primary goal of the assembly is to provide an overview of the office’s regular and upcoming programs and initiatives, enabling interested individuals from the UPD community to join and contribute to these volunteer activities actively.
The first assembly event was attended by 152 participants comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, faculty, staff, REPS, and individuals. The event was attended by 21 participants composed of undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, faculty, and staff.
March 27, 2023
National Service Training Program (NSTP), UP College of Education - Community Engagement Workshop
A workshop on the Community Engagement Workshop was conducted on CWTS students as part of the training they should receive in preparation for implementing their CWTS project.
The event was attended by 19 CWTS students
March 20, 2023
Community Resiliency Model Workshop
A workshop on the Community Engagement Workshop was conducted on CWTS students as part of the training they should receive in preparation for implementing their CWTS project.
The event was attended by 19 CWTS students