On May 29, 2023, the final part of the seminar series titled “Tumindig!: Building Resiliency and Mental Health Wellness in Communities to Rise amidst Adversities” was conducted in collaboration with the UP College of Education NSTP CWTS-2 class. This Psychological First Aid Orientation-Workshop was given to a total of 25 teachers from the Krus na Ligas High School and 11 NSTP CWTS students from the College of Education. The computer laboratory of Krus na Ligas served as the venue for the orientation-workshop.
Prior to this session, teachers were already given an orientation on the PFA. For this session, participants were given a discussion on mental health, strengths-based framework, and wellness skills that they could practice. The seminar was led by NSTP CWTS-2 students, with Mr. Davidson Oliveros, a Peer Support Volunteer Trainer and faculty member from the College of Arts and Letters volunteering as a resource person.
The orientation-workshop was conducted using a lecture-discussion style, incorporating questions and brief activities to involve the participants during the presentation.