Last October 2, 2023, the October Kumustahan Session was conducted to improve the support skills of the Peer Support Volunteers (PSVs) as well as to serve as a debriefing session for their wellness. The Kumustahan Session was conducted via Zoom and a total of 17 PSVs and 2 PSV Trainers attended the session. The session was facilitated by Ms. Gia S. Evangelista, Junior Project Associate, alongside PSV Trainers Dr. Gino Angelo Velasco, Dr. Manuel Joseph Loquias, and Director Jowima Ang-Reyes.
The session started with a brief ice breaker, utilizing Zoom emojis to allow participants to express their current feelings and status. The session then proceeded to discuss the case updates from the PSVs regarding their ongoing active cases, where they shared its progress and developments. This interactive exchange extended to discussions on peer support experiences, emotions, and insightful learnings. A question and answer portion with Director Reyes and PSV Trainers was also conducted. The PSVs that shared during this session are: Zemver Magat, an undergraduate student from the College of Home Economics; Stephanie Claire Montalvo, a graduate student from the Asian Center; Francesca Eunice Manalang, an undergraduate student from the College of Science; and James Quijano, a graduate student from the College of Social Work and Community Development.
Afterwards, a reinforcement of the protocols of the Free Online Psychosocial Peer Support Service occurred. Emphasis was placed on the significance of shadow monitoring conducted by the lead facilitators and trainers, Dr. Michelle Ong and Dr. Jowima Ang-Reyes, underscoring the use of the BCC option in emails. Clear explanations regarding the monitoring process’s coverage in the Informed Consent and Data Privacy Form were provided, reassuring volunteers that it does not breach client confidentiality but, instead, prioritizes the safety of both support seekers and volunteers.
The session concluded on a positive note, with a collective photo opportunity capturing the collaborative spirit among all attendees.