Future Projects


Volunteer Hub as part of Mandate of Pahinungod

Ugnayan ng Pahinungod is the official volunteer service program of the University of the Philippines. The program articulates the social responsibility of UP as a national university to serve the Filipino people and humanity. It is also a venue for values education among UP students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

As a constituent office of the UP System Ugnayan ng Pahinungod, the UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod’s vision is a “UP in the service of the underserved communities through volunteerism”. Its mission is “to lead in innovative and transformative engagements as the public service university committed to the empowerment of people and selfless service to the nation”. Aside from providing opportunities to members of the University to serve disadvantaged communities, it also aims to promote volunteerism within and outside the campus, not just as a subject of scholarship and instruction, but as a commitment to the common good.

As the volunteer service program, UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod is committed to sharing with society what the University has analyzed and discovered, enrich teaching and research with knowledge culled from people themselves about the conditions and needs of the nation, propagate actions and values most honored in society – human dignity, social justice, love of country, and respect for all beings; build character, and promote values education.

The success of UPD Pahinungod’s many initiatives can be attributed to its volunteers who share their time and effort towards achieving a common goal. UPD Pahinungod acknowledges the service of its volunteers as an essential component in all of its programs. The office, therefore, makes it a point to continuously engage its volunteers from all sectors within the university – students, faculty, staff, and alumni – and provides for them safe spaces where volunteerism can thrive.

In an effort to promote further engagement with its volunteers, the UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod aims to create the Bahay Pahinungod which will serve as the central location for volunteers under the various programs of UPD Pahinungod to convene and engage in healthy conversations, collaborations, and respite. As a volunteer hub, Bahay Pahinungod will become a venue for resource and cultural exchanges, experience sharing, information dissemination, and community building.

Furthermore, it provides volunteers the opportunity to closely work and interact with staff members of the UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod Office. During program implementations, the Bahay Pahinungod shall also serve as the location of operations for volunteers, allowing for logistical preparations, event execution, and post-event group evaluations.

Utilization of Volunteer Hub’s Spaces

The UPD Ugnayan ng Pahinungod is delighted to propose the establishment of a dedicated Volunteer Hub, a dynamic space designed to cultivate a sense of community among volunteers, facilitate collaboration, and provide an engaging platform for volunteer activities.  This concept note outlines the various components of the Volunteer Hub and highlights their potential utilization to enhance the volunteer experience and foster meaningful engagement.

1. Lounge

The lounge area within the Volunteer Hub will serve as a welcoming space for volunteers to relax, socialize, and build relationships. It will be furnished with comfortable seating, tables, and recreational amenities to create an inviting environment.


  1. a) Volunteer socialization: The lounge area will provide an ideal setting for volunteers to mingle, share experiences, and forge connections with like-minded individuals.
  2. b) Informal meetings: Volunteers can utilize the lounge to have informal discussions, plan activities, or brainstorm ideas, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collaboration.

2. Work space

The working space within the Volunteer Hub will offer volunteers a dedicated space to engage in collaborative work, team meetings, or individual tasks. It will also be utilized for the logistical operations of the regular programs of the office. It will be equipped with workstations, whiteboards, and other resources to support productivity.


  1. a) Volunteer team meetings: The working lounge can serve as a convenient venue for volunteers to hold team meetings, enabling effective communication, and coordinated efforts.
  2. b) Collaborative projects/activities: Volunteers can use the working lounge to collaborate on initiatives, share resources, and work collectively towards common goals, promoting synergy and innovation.

3. Display area

The display area within the Volunteer Hub will serve a dual purpose: showcasing and promoting goods produced by partner communities for selling, as well as accepting donations from volunteers and the university community.


  1. a) Partner community products: The display area will feature products created by partner communities, enabling volunteers to support these communities through the sale of their goods.
  2. b) Donation collection: The display area can also serve as a collection point for accepting donations from volunteers and other individuals, encouraging generosity and creating a centralized space for contributing to causes supported by the Volunteer Office.

4. Freedom/Activities Wall

The Freedom/Activities Wall will be a vibrant and interactive feature of the Volunteer Hub. It will provide a platform for volunteers to share ideas, express creativity, and propose or sign up for various activities.


  1. a) Idea sharing: The wall will allow volunteers to share their innovative ideas for volunteer projects, events, or initiatives, fostering collaboration and encouraging the development of new opportunities.
  2. b) Activity sign-ups: Volunteers can use the wall to sign up for specific volunteer activities, workshops, or events, facilitating efficient coordination and participation.

5. Counseling Room


  1. a) Peer support: The counseling room will offer a safe and confidential environment for support seekers to discuss any challenges, concerns, or personal issues they may be experiencing.

5. Office area

The Volunteer Hub will feature a designated work area for Pahinungod staff, equipped with office supplies. This space will serve as a hub for administrative tasks, volunteer coordination, and project management.


  1. a) Volunteer administration: The work space/office area will facilitate administrative tasks, such as volunteer registration, scheduling, and record-keeping, ensuring efficient management of volunteer programs.
  2. b) Project planning: Staff can utilize the work space/office area to strategize and plan volunteer projects in detail. This may include defining project goals, outlining project timelines, allocating resources, and identifying necessary tasks and responsibilities. The work space provides a centralized location for project-related discussions and coordination.

6. Proposed Area

Given the area and proximity, the office would like to request for the space left of the lower ground entrance within the immediate vicinity of the staircase.